Our planet is threatened by huge food paradoxes: the co-existence of hunger and obesity, the over-exploitation of natural resources and the food waste along the food chain.

The commitment of The Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition Foundation (BCFN) aims at analyzing scientific, economic, social and environmental factors strictly connected to food systems, with a multidisciplinary approach, with research tools such as the Food Sustainability Index (FSI).

In this perspective, food is at the basis of our health and the one of the Planet and it must be addressed not a cause of today’s problems but as a powerful solution to tackle such urgent challenges, in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In a time when the nexus food-migration is at the center of public debate, BCFN, in collaboration with MacroGeo and The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), developed a study “Food & Migration. Understanding the geopolitical nexus in the Euro-Mediterranean”. It offers a wider understanding of flows and trends of the current and future interlinkages between food and migration, with a focus on the Mediterranean countries, through a geopolitical perspective.

The BCFN educational programs aim at inspiring young generations on the importance of food and sustainability. The Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), developed in collaboration with with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Mediterranean with SDG Academy and The University of Siena, on the Mediterranean agro-food systems provides a comprehensive knowledge for the global citizens of tomorrow.

This course deals with environmental and climate-related challenges basing upon Mediterranean experience, how sustainable farming systems is being utilized as a roadmap for positive action and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.

In order to raise awareness and enable people to develop a greater understanding of the phenomenon and the impact of migratory movements on food systems and cultures, the report shows how food integration can be an opportunity both for the hosting communities and for migrants.

The report is meant to serve as a tool for institutions, policy makers, researchers and civil society to stimulate a wide public debate, providing policy recommendations to help manage current and future trends. It will constantly identify and monitor best-practices and success stories in the Mediterranean region, with a particular attention to food security, climate change, agriculture, health, demography and youth, in the logic of the scalability and replicability.
